How to bring kratom on a plane

Can You Fly with Kratom? How to Bring Kratom on a Plane

Planning your next vacation or a business trip and want to bring your kratom with you on the plane ride? If you’re wondering, “can you fly with kratom?” we’ll help you figure out the answer.

Flying with kratom is not always a straightforward feat. Whether or not you can bring kratom on a plane depends on where you’re going and what type of kratom you want to pack. Fortunately, we’ve assembled this informative guide to bringing kratom on a flight.

In many circumstances, you can fly with kratom, but there are a few instances in which you can’t. Let’s get into the laws, tips, and best practices to make your journey smooth and hassle-free while flying with kratom.

Why Fly with Kratom?

You might want to bring kratom with you on a plane ride, especially if it’s a long one and involves a change in time zone. Jet lag can throw off your sleep schedule. You might find it easier to relax with a nice cup of herbal tea before bed when you land.

On the flip side, if you’re running around in the sun, waking up early, or walking around a lot, you might run out of steam. To avoid the crash of caffeine, you could brew a cup of kratom tea, one of the best herbal energy teas.

Kratom Tea Bags — Best Kratom Liquid

Before you get too focused on the destination, however, you’ve got to focus on the journey. Don’t get caught in the airport security line wondering, “can you bring kratom on a plane?” for the first time. Let’s get familiar with the basics so you can go through the airport with kratom stress-free.

Kratom & TSA: Can You Pass Through Airport Security With Kratom?

One of the reasons why so many people wonder, “can you bring kratom on a plane?” is the strictness of airport security.

If you’ve flown before, you probably know that security can be overwhelming. In the Unite States, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officers screen more than two million passengers each day to check for prohibited items.

So, can you fly with kratom? Fortunately, if you’re traveling from a location where kratom is legal, the answer to this question is yes. TSA allows you to take kratom on planes—so long as it meets a few requirements.

TSA allows kratom in both carry-on luggage and checked bags.

Keep in mind that your TSA officer might not be familiar with kratom. That’s why we recommend bringing your kratom products unopened in the manufacturer’s packaging if you plan to fly with kratom in your carry-on bag.

Where can you fly with kratom?

Whether you’re driving, taking a bus, riding a train, or flying with kratom, you don’t want to accidentally pass through a state or country where kratom is illegal.

Law enforcement agents in some countries and US states where kratom is banned are not forgiving to people who unknowingly bring kratom there. Thus, you should double check that kratom is legal in your destination before bringing kratom on your flight.

Related: State By State Guide to Kratom Legality & Age Limits

Before You Disembark: Be Aware of Kratom Laws and Regulations

Regardless of whether kratom is legal or not in your destination, if it is legal in the place you are departing from, you should be allowed to have it in that airport. However, if it’s not legal in your final destination, it’s not advisable to have any left when you land.

Furthermore, if you have any layovers, make sure that kratom is also legal at your connection points. Want to bring kratom on a direct flight? You can fly over states which have banned kratom.

Which Places Can You Not Fly to with Kratom?

In the United States, kratom is legal at the federal level, but illegal in a small handful of counties and states. As of November 2023, kratom is legal in all except the following states:

States you can’t fly to with kratom:

There are also a number of counties and towns where kratom is not legal, including (but not necessarily limited to) the following:

Counties and towns you can’t fly to with kratom:

  • Sarasota County, Florida
  • San Diego County, California
  • Franklin County, New Hampshire
  • Ascension Parish, Louisiana
  • Rapides Parish, Louisiana
  • Concordia Parish, Louisiana
  • Monument, Colorado
  • Parker, Colorado
  • Jerseyville, Illinois
  • Union, Mississippi

Bringing Kratom on an International Flight

Flying outside of the US? Do your research to ensure that kratom is legal in the country you’re flying to, as well as at any stops or connection points.

Kratom laws are different for each country and region. The legal status of kratom in Europe isn’t the same in every country. For instance, kratom is legal in Czechia but illegal in the neighboring countries of Germany (where it can only be sold for purposes other than human consumption), Slovakia, and Poland.

In Southeast Asia, kratom’s legal status also varies. Some countries in the region have made very recent changes to kratom’s legal status for manufacturers and travelers alike.

Related: Interested in flying to Mexico with kratom? Read up on the legality of kratom in Mexico.

Of course, local, state, federal, and international laws are regularly subject to change. Make sure to research kratom legality in your destination before your flight, as the above list may not be up to date.

You can find more detailed information on kratom laws in each state on the Better Brewing Blog. However, you should confirm county, state, and federal kratom laws on an official government website as well.

Which Types of Kratom Can You Fly With?

Once you’ve confirmed that kratom is legal in your destination, you can start planning what type of kratom you want to bring on your trip! From capsules to tea bags to gummies, there are a lot of options. Let’s go over how to fly with common types of kratom.

Flying with Kratom Tea, Kratom Powder, or Kratom Capsules

Kratom tea bags: Does TSA allow kratom tea bags? Yes. The TSA lists “tea” as an acceptable food item to bring onboard. You can bring kratom tea bags or loose leaf kratom tea either in your checked bags or carry-on bags.

Just make sure it’s not steeping yet, as you can’t bring liquids over 3.4 oz through security!

Compared to other forms of kratom, kratom tea bags are probably the least likely to cause confusion at security—or a mess in your suitcase. TSA’s specific guidelines for tea are as follows:

How to fly with kratom tea

Kratom powder: Does TSA allow kratom powder? Yes! Just make sure you pack less than 12 oz of powder if packing it in your carry-on. Also, don’t forget to pack your measuring equipment!

Preferably, bring an unopened package for your trip if using your carry-on. If you’ve already opened the original packaging, you may want to place it within another sealable bag to prevent a mess. You don’t want to start off your vacation by cleaning kratom powder off of everything in your carry-on bag!

Do you want to bring kratom powder in your checked bag instead? Keep in mind that the change in pressure could cause the bag to burst.

Here are the specific TSA guidelines for bringing powders on a plane:

Guidelines for bringing kratom powder on a plane

Kratom capsules: Can fly with kratom capsules? Yes, of course. Many kratom consumers favor kratom capsules for travel due to their ease of transportation and consumption. Again, we recommend bringing them in the manufacturer’s packaging if you’re taking them in your carry-on bag.

Flying with Kratom Liquids

Bringing kratom liquid on a plane is a little more complicated. According to the TSA guidelines, “liquid or gel food items larger than 3.4 oz are not allowed in carry-on bags and should be placed in your checked bags if possible.”

So regardless of which of the different types of kratom liquid you plan on flying with, you should keep the volume under 3.4 ounces for carry-on.

Kratom extracts and shots: you can bring extract shots under 3.4 oz in your carry-on luggage or checked baggage.

Prefer to keep your kratom extracts in your checked baggage? We recommend you ensure that all the bottle caps are tight. Then, place your kratom shots inside a water-tight bag. That way, if any bottles spill because of the change in air pressure, the kratom liquid won’t get onto your other items.

Brewed kratom tea: You can’t bring a thermos full of tea through security. If you bring pre-brewed kratom tea to the airport, you have to drink it or toss it before you pass through security

Can you bring kratom on a plane? Easily travel with a kratom tea thermos

Of course, you can still bring an empty tea thermos in either your carry-on bag or checked luggage. If your airline offers drink service on your flight, you might even be able to get hot water onboard to make kratom tea on the plane!

Tips to Bring Kratom on a Plane Without Issues or Delays

Everyone wants to navigate TSA as smoothly as possible. If you don’t plan properly, you could get held up and risk missing your flight.

Don’t end up sprinting to your gate to board your plane at the last minute! Here are a few tips to ensure a seamless experience with TSA and fly with kratom comfortably.

1. Give yourself extra time to go through security.

Even if kratom is legal in your departure location, TSA may still stop you to inspect it. If kratom is completely legal in that location, you should have nothing to worry about. However, it could delay you, and you wouldn’t want to arrive late to your gate.

2. Have your kratom readily accessible; don’t try to hide it.

This proactive approach can help prevent delays if TSA has to check your kratom products. This also makes it easier to access your kratom on the plane if you need it!

3. Keep your kratom in its original packaging.

We recommend bringing kratom that is properly labeled. If you know what to look for in a kratom label, you should be able to determine if your kratom brand’s packaging has adequate information identifying the product.

While the odds are low that your kratom would be called into question, the more professional the labeling, the less likely this will happen.

4. Comply with TSA laws and regulations.

While TSA allows flying with kratom generally, local and federal laws differ. Bringing kratom to a location where it is illegal can have serious consequences.

This is also incredibly important when traveling internationally. Your protections and rights may be different in other countries.

5. Don’t be afraid to communicate with TSA officers.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding bringing kratom on a plane, remember to communicate openly and respectfully with the TSA officers during the security screening process.

Furthermore, if the TSA officer has any questions regarding your kratom tea or other bag contents, give them honest responses to whatever they may want to know. After all, flying with kratom is perfectly fine, provided you follow the guidelines at the airport and all local/state/national ordinances.

Can You Fly with Kratom? Yes, You Can Even Make It a Breeze!

Hopefully, you’re now feeling a bit better about flying with kratom. Taking kratom through security isn’t a daunting task if you know how to prepare for it.

If you’d like to plan out some kratom recipes to enjoy on your trip, feel free to browse our delicious kratom recipes and brew guides on how to make kratom tea.

Plus, if you’d like to make traveling with kratom tea easy, you can explore our specialty brewing equipment. Our kratom tea thermoses are perfect for hot and cold kratom beverages alike. They’re airport-security-approved, as long as they are empty when you pass through.

Cheers to easier flying with kratom tea! Safe travels!

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Rickie Mixon
Rickie is a kratom advocate, tea-lover, and writer for Top Tree Herbs. She has always been fascinated by science, philosophy, and nature. She decided to become a writer with the aim of tackling the misinformation crisis, fighting prohibitionism, and expanding her own knowledge. When she’s not accumulating facts or working, you can probably catch her outside running with her Carolina dog, pestering others with her horrible puns, or rambling about Devonian sea life.

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